1. Hi PJ! Thank you for the nomination. For some reason I did not receive any notification for the ping back from your blog but I did check the post there. I must tell you I have never tried story writing so I do not know how terrible I am into this. I am still gonna try and you can let me know how did it go 🙂

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      1. Story writing is easy. You write a story pretty much the same way you would tell one. It is easier than it sounds and it’s fun. The main thing is to have fun. That’s the purpose of these challenges.

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  1. I’d like to be that kayaker in the background! 🙂

    Want to join me in black and white challenge? I just joined with another blogging buddy to do a five day black & white photo challenge. Seems like fun; I’m excited to try some black and white posts. If you are interested, more information is here:

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