Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award

I have been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! I am happy to accept this award. Thank you Lisa from Rebirth of Lisa for the nomination! She is an aspiring writer and recently completed her first novel. Be sure to check out her blog.

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate seven blogs.

Questions To Me:

  1. What is your favorite book? I like reading books but do not have any favorite pick. I mostly enjoy fiction.
  2. Michael Jackson or Prince? Michael Jackson.
  3. Where is your favorite place to vacation? Any place close to nature like mountains or national parks.
  4. Who is your favorite writer? Paulo Coelho as I loved his piece The Alchemist.
  5. If you could have a super power what would it be? Read other person’s mind.
  6. What’s your favorite snack? I eat as per my mood; do not have a preference.
  7. What’s on your pizza? Lots of veggies.
  8. Name 3 things you like about yourself. My Mind, my Faith in God and my Optimism.
  9. Who was your favorite teacher and why? My middle school Maths teacher; I liked her way of teaching by making us learn and understand the concepts.
  10. What’s your guilty pleasure? Ice creams anytime. 🙂

Questions for My Nominees

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve received?
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
  3. Who inspires you?
  4. What is your philosophy?
  5. What is your favorite camera brand?
  6. What word do you think describes you and why?
  7. Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil?
  8. What truth do you seek?
  9. If you could be stuck at a particular age forever, what age would it be and why?
  10. Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings?

I ‘happily’ nominate the following blogs for this award:

1. The ‘Pen’lightenment of the Soul
2. From Diapers and Tutus to Meetings and Boardrooms
3. Agnes’s World in Pictures
4. Soul N Spirit
5. Sia Positive
6. Maria Brinkley, artist
7. Pocketful of Joy

Thank you again Lisa and Happy Blogging Everyone!!


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